acos | Inverse cosine; result in radians |
acosd | Inverse cosine; result in degrees |
acosh | Inverse hyperbolic cosine |
acot | Inverse cotangent; result in radians |
acotd | Inverse cotangent; result in degrees |
acoth | Inverse hyperbolic cotangent |
acsc | Inverse cosecant; result in radians |
acscd | Inverse cosecant; result in degrees |
acsch | Inverse hyperbolic cosecant |
asec | Inverse secant; result in radians |
asecd | Inverse secant; result in degrees |
asech | Inverse hyperbolic secant |
asin | Inverse sine; result in radians |
asind | Inverse sine; result in degrees |
asinh | Inverse hyperbolic sine |
atan | Inverse tangent; result in radians |
atan2 | Four-quadrant inverse tangent |
atand | Inverse tangent; result in degrees |
atanh | Inverse hyperbolic tangent |
cos | Cosine of argument in radians |
cosd | Cosine ofo argument in degrees |
cosh | Hyperbolic cosine |
cot | Cotangent of argument in radians |
cotd | Cotangent of argument in degrees |
coth | Hyperbolic cotangent |
csc | Cosecant of argument in radians |
cscd | Cosecant of argument in degrees |
csch | Hyperbolic cosecant |
hypot | Square root of sum of squares |
sec | Secant of argument in radians |
secd | Secant of argument in degrees |
sech | Hyperbolic secant |
sin | Sine of argument in radians |
sind | Sine of argument in degrees |
sinh | Hyperbolic sine of argument in radians |
tan | Tangent of argument in radians |
tand | Tangent of argument in degrees |
tanh | Hyperbolic tangent |
exp | Exponential |
expm1 | Compute exp(x)-1 accurately for small values of x |
log | Natural logarithm |
log10 | Common (base 10) logarithm |
log1p | Compute log(1+x) accurately for small values of x |
log2 | Base 2 logarithm and dissect floating-point numbers into exponent and mantissa |
nextpow2 | Next higher power of 2 |
nthroot | Real nth root of real numbers |
pow2 | Base 2 power and scale floating-point numbers |
reallog | Natural logarithm for nonnegative real arrays |
realpow | Array power for real-only output |
realsqrt | Square root for nonnegative real arrays |
sqrt | Square root |
abs | Absolute value and complex magnitude |
angle | Phase angle |
complex | Construct complex data from real and imaginary components |
conj | Complex conjugate |
cplxpair | Sort complex numbers into complex conjugate pairs |
i | Imaginary unit |
imag | Imaginary part of complex number |
isreal | Determine whether input is real array |
j | Imaginary unit |
real | Real part of complex number |
sign | Signum function |
unwrap | Correct phase angles to produce smoother phase plots |
Rounding and Remainder
ceil | Round toward infinity |
fix | Round toward zero |
floor | Round toward minus infinity |
idivide | Integer division with rounding option |
mod | Modulus after division |
rem | Remainder after division |
round | Round to nearest integer |
Discrete Math (e.g., Prime Factors)
factor | Prime factors |
factorial | Factorial function |
gcd | Greatest common divisor |
isprime | Array elements that are prime numbers |
lcm | Least common multiple |
nchoosek | Binomial coefficient or all combinations |
perms | All possible permutations |
primes | Generate list of prime numbers |
rat, rats | Rational fraction approximation |
from : mathwork.com
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