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Old Hobby/Matlab

[Matlab]Elementary Math (삼각, 지수 함수등..)

by lovey25 2008. 3. 22.


acosInverse cosine; result in radians
acosdInverse cosine; result in degrees
acoshInverse hyperbolic cosine
acotInverse cotangent; result in radians
acotdInverse cotangent; result in degrees
acothInverse hyperbolic cotangent
acscInverse cosecant; result in radians
acscdInverse cosecant; result in degrees
acschInverse hyperbolic cosecant
asecInverse secant; result in radians
asecdInverse secant; result in degrees
asechInverse hyperbolic secant
asinInverse sine; result in radians
asindInverse sine; result in degrees
asinhInverse hyperbolic sine
atanInverse tangent; result in radians
atan2Four-quadrant inverse tangent
atandInverse tangent; result in degrees
atanhInverse hyperbolic tangent
cosCosine of argument in radians
cosdCosine ofo argument in degrees
coshHyperbolic cosine
cotCotangent of argument in radians
cotdCotangent of argument in degrees
cothHyperbolic cotangent
cscCosecant of argument in radians
cscdCosecant of argument in degrees
cschHyperbolic cosecant
hypotSquare root of sum of squares
secSecant of argument in radians
secdSecant of argument in degrees
sechHyperbolic secant
sinSine of argument in radians
sindSine of argument in degrees
sinhHyperbolic sine of argument in radians
tanTangent of argument in radians
tandTangent of argument in degrees
tanhHyperbolic tangent


expm1Compute exp(x)-1 accurately for small values of x
logNatural logarithm
log10Common (base 10) logarithm
log1pCompute log(1+x) accurately for small values of x
log2Base 2 logarithm and dissect floating-point numbers into exponent and mantissa
nextpow2Next higher power of 2
nthrootReal nth root of real numbers
pow2Base 2 power and scale floating-point numbers
reallogNatural logarithm for nonnegative real arrays
realpowArray power for real-only output
realsqrtSquare root for nonnegative real arrays
sqrtSquare root


absAbsolute value and complex magnitude
anglePhase angle
complexConstruct complex data from real and imaginary components
conjComplex conjugate
cplxpairSort complex numbers into complex conjugate pairs
iImaginary unit
imagImaginary part of complex number
isrealDetermine whether input is real array
jImaginary unit
realReal part of complex number
signSignum function
unwrapCorrect phase angles to produce smoother phase plots

Rounding and Remainder

ceilRound toward infinity
fixRound toward zero
floorRound toward minus infinity
idivideInteger division with rounding option
modModulus after division
remRemainder after division
roundRound to nearest integer

Discrete Math (e.g., Prime Factors)

factorPrime factors
factorialFactorial function
gcdGreatest common divisor
isprimeArray elements that are prime numbers
lcmLeast common multiple
nchoosekBinomial coefficient or all combinations
permsAll possible permutations
primesGenerate list of prime numbers
rat, ratsRational fraction approximation

from : mathwork.com

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