3D프린터 Kossel mini의 스펙관련 자료들의 모음
Mainboard (Trigorilla Ramps 1.4 Arduino Mega 2560 호환)
Main Control Chip: ATMEGA256016AU
USB to UART bridge: CP2101
Input Power: 10V ~ 30V
Standby Current: 35mA±5mA
Stepper Motor Drivers: 5 channel Max
Hot bed Output Control: 1 channel
Heated output control: 2 channel
under-current output control: 3 channel
Dimensions: 125mm x 82mm
Stepper Motor
Motor Size; 42*42*74mm
Phase: 2 Step
Angle: 1.8°
Rated Voltage: 3.3V
DC Rated Current: 1.5A
Holding Torque: 500an.m.Min (2 Phase power on)
Resistance Per Phase: 2.2Ω ± 10%(20°C)
Inductance Per Phase: 4.4mH ± 20(1khz 1v)
Moment of Inertia: 82g·cm²
Insulation Resistance: 100mΩ
Min(DC 500V) Insulation Class: B (130°C)
Weight: 360g
Shaft Diameter: 5mm
기타 NEMA 17 정보
NEMA 17 Stepper motor - RepRap
NEMA 17 Stepper motor Vitamin another NEMA-17 size motor A NEMA 17 stepper motor is a stepper motor with a 1.7 x 1.7 inch (43.18 x 43.18 mm) faceplate. The NEMA 17 is larger and generally heavier than for example a NEMA 14, but this also means it has more
A4988 Stepper Motor Driver
Operating Voltage: 8~35V
Logic Voltage: 3~5.5V
2004 LCD Smart Controller
CP2101 - Single-Chip USB to UART Bridge
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